Wild Organics
Shop NowWild Organics provides a safe working environment, where crafters are paid above-average salaries and are given benefits including work leave time for family issues and holidays.
The workshop specifically works to hire women, who often face severe stigma in the workplace including underpayment and lack of childcare options. Single mothers, widows, and women with husbands working abroad are able to bring their young children to work with them so that they can make a living while watching over their children. These positive working conditions are rare in Nepal, yet are key for enabling stable employment and true opportunity for underprivileged women and their families.
Kitchen, Home
“I heard of Wild Organic Exports from one of my neighbours who told me they were hiring women. Before working here, I had a hard time managing the finances with my husband’s limited income. When I received my first payment, I was so excited, and felt a bit awkward, because my pay was higher than what my husband was earning from his job. Today, I can fulfil my needs on my own without depending on my husband. A lot has changed since starting work at Wild Organic Exports! It’s been a great help. We even have some savings.”